The interactive lesson "I am proud of the emblem, flag and anthem"

The interactive lesson "I am proud of the emblem, flag and anthem"

The history of the coat of arms, flag and anthem of Russia

Fusce sodales risus ac metus laoreet molestie. Maecenas nunc lacus, efficitur ac tempor eu, tempus vitae sapien. Curabitur elit massa, aliquet quis congue sit amet, mattis vel mi. Aenean finibus erat ipsum, non fermentum enim porta a. Nulla lacinia lorem est, eget eleifend lectus pellentesque vitae. Etiam et nibh condimentum, mollis enim hendrerit, vehicula ante. Duis quis consequat sapien.

Audience: Дети
Branch: Музейный переулок 4

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тел.8 (48535) 3-81-00

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