Свято-Никольский женский монастырь

Founded in the XIV century by the monk Dmitry Prilutsky. Ancient buildings have survived. Obviously, the buildings were destroyed in the time of Troubles in the early SEVENTEENTH century, Rebuilt in stone in the late SEVENTEENTH and the first half ХVIIIвв. on the assets of Moscow merchants (Obuhovich, Shchelyagins, Kholshevnikov).

Among the rectors of the most famous Abbot Pitirim (1704-1719) - resoloution, after his conversion to Orthodoxy became the most famous fighter against secession.

By the end of the NINETEENTH century, the monastery became desolated. In 1898, at the suggestion of Pereslavl citizen A. Varentsova for "maintenance and improvement of an ancient monastery" male Nikolsky monastery was turned into a female.

In 1923, the monastery was closed. In 30-ies of the destroyed St. Nicholas Cathedral and many other buildings.

At the end of 1993, the monastery was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. Currently, the monastery is undergoing renovation and restoration work on the project of the modern architect built a new Cathedral.

convent of St. Nicholas

152024, Pereslavl Museum
тел.8 (48535) 3-81-00
E-mail: museum@pereslavl.ru

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